St Paul’s, which recently celebrated its 30th anniversary, is located in the commune of Tervuren on the eastern outskirts of Brussels.
Our congregation is a mixture of international families and Belgian nationals. With our many different cultural backgrounds and Christian affiliations, we come together into one multi-generational and loving Christian community.
Our vision is to be an inviting community, welcoming people to know Jesus Christ, equipping them to live and serve, and sending them to proclaim His love.

The mission of St Paul's church is:
To welcome people into our community, offering them opportunities to enter into a life-changing relationship with Jesus.
To embrace people from around the world as part of our international Christian fellowship where we value children, young people and adults equally as participants in all areas of our community life.
To equip people to be Spirit-filled, lifelong followers of Jesus, growing in prayer and discipleship of one another.
To grow confident Christians engaging in evangelism, serving our neighbours and caring for our world.
To send people out excited to proclaim the Good News of Jesus through word and deed.
To commission disciples to live and serve in Belgium and around the world.
Some of us were born in Belgium, some of us have arrived here from other countries. For everyone, a warm welcome and hospitality is key to who we are, through the welcome lunches and events, to integrating newcomers into our small groups and giving opportunities to serve. If you would like to meet us and find out more, please use our contacts to introduce yourself to us.
Sunday mornings are our main gathering with informal worship, in-depth Biblical teaching and with our programmes for children and youth running simultaneously. We love meeting together, and encouraging and caring for each other so that we are equipped to follow Jesus in our daily lives. On weekdays, our smaller groups play a really important part in helping people grow in their faith and share and pray with each other. We also run courses for those who want to explore faith for the first time and want a place where they can come with questions and ask whatever they wish.
With people gathered from so many places, understanding our place in the wider world and God's purpose for us is important. Some of our congregation will move on to new parts of the world and be inspired to serve there. Raising awareness, supporting key people and projects, and providing opportunities for serving is the work of our partnership team. Please contact Dominic for details.
Our weekly service is held at 10.30am on Sundays in Moorsel (one of the districts of Tervuren). You can find more information and a detailed map here. As we do not own a building, a few times each year we are unable to meet in Moorsel and so hire a different building.
It is always good to check the Sunday overview page as this is where we will make clear any change of location. Different locations are shown on the adjacent map, and all are in Tervuren commune.
See the What's on webpage for the various other events and gatherings that are offered.
Our safeguarding policy and the Diocese in Europe policies and guidelines may be seen on our policies page.
In summary, we are committed to maintaining the highest of standards in our work with children and vulnerable adults; responding without delay to any and every complaint; co-operating fully with statutory agencies;
responding well to support survivors of abuse.
If you would like to speak to our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Kristien Vanhuyse, she may be contacted
by email at safeguarding@stpaulstervuren.org. For urgent enquiries do call Kristien Vanhuyse or during operational hours, the diocesan safeguarding team on: +44 207 898 1159.
For urgent enquiries outside operational hours call +44 303 003 1111.
If you wish to contact the diocesan safeguarding team. Their contact details are available