St Paul's has to meet all its own financial needs, with the exception of a modest contribution made by the Belgian state towards the costs of employing and housing our chaplains. Although it is a member church of the Church of England Diocese of Europe, St Paul's does not receive any financial assistance from this source - indeed, it has to contribute annually towards the running costs of the Diocese.
Sacrificial giving makes up the majority of our income. So your giving in support of God's work through St Paul's is what makes everything happen. We would encourage you to prayerfully consider pledging your financial giving to St. Paul's over the next 12 months. Planning a responsible and God-honouring budget that will support and develop our work here in Belgium and the wider world is made much easier if we know how much income we can expect.
*If you pay tax in the UK, and would like to give to the church in a tax-efficient way, Stewardship Services is the organisation that St Paul's has selected to handle this for you. The Treasurer, Jonathan Copner has more detailed information on this method of giving.

Deposits or
Electronic transfers
Gifts for the General Fund of the church may be made to our KBC account:
Account Name: St Paul’s Church Trust
IBAN: BE27 7350 6263 1773
Standing order
By far the best way to contribute to the work at St Paul's
If you would like to give regularly to the work of St Paul's church, the best way is to set up a standing order with your bank, which can usually be done online or with your banking app.