Study resources and links for small groups or individuals.
Copyright information: Most of these study guides have been written by us, for the use of our members, or we have purchased hard copies, for local use only, Where we don't own material we have linked to the appropriate copyright holders website, where you can obtain items directly.

The book of Daniel makes a fascinating read, charting the lives of faithful servants living in a foreign land and wrestling with how to remain Godly whilst serving faithfully in the new land and culture. It also asks challenging questions about where is God in the midst of chaos, and why does he allow his people to go through periods of testing and trial. The book ends by putting these questions in the light of God's eternal purposes.
Study 5 Study 6

A Grand Day Out
When we go for a day out there are always lots of things we do before we go to get ourselves ready for the day. What about on an ordinary day, to we have the right approach to ensure that we do the right things? What part does prayer play in making it a grand day? Using some activities based upon preparing for a day out we explore how we can ensure better prayerfulness day by day. Upload the activites, questions for discussion and personal reflection by clicking here.
You can watch the Wallace and Gromit clip on the moon by clicking here.

The church is described in the Bible as the "Bride of Christ" yet like in many human relationships it is easy for Christians to become disastisfied and ungrateful. So taking three titles from the marriage service: "for better, for worse" "for richer, for poorer" & "in sickness and in health" we will explore gratitude and contentment in our relationship with Jesus. Each study has notes from the sermons, questions for group discussion and items for personal reflection.

The Glorious Gospel
Jude is a small letter and is often ignored. It touches upon stories that we may be familiar with. Yet it containes some amazing statements about Christian life and faith. Jude is clearly a preacher with many 3 point sermons in the letter.
Yet it is also challenging because of the strength of the warnings over issues which are internal. May mercy, peace and love be amplified in your study.
Study 1 Study 2
Study 3 Study 4
Study 5 Study 6

Exploring our celebration of Communion
Celebrating the Lord's Supper is a command of Jesus. "Do this in remembrance of me."
Do we truly understand this and the way it brings together so much of the Hebrew Scriptures and points us forward? Even if we do, how do we celebrate this well as a church family, with our children, with our visitors, with each other. These studies help us to think a little more about this.

The Book of Ruth
Drawing on a Deeper Love
As intricate as a Fabergé egg, or as multi-layered as an onion, the Book of Ruth is the story of ordinary people working out how to live in God's loving ways through agonising personal circumstances. It is also an account of how God works through faithful people to fulfill his purposes for them, for their nation and for all of humankind.

Isaiah - exploring ideas of Messiah and kingship
Isaiah is one of the most amazing books of the Hebrew Scriptures, helping us to understand the nature of God, his covenant faithfulness to us and the extent to which God will go to bring us back to himself. Yet too often we only read a few of our favourite bits. This study, exploring the theme of kingship helps us look at a few texts that we think we know well, and some that we may not know at all and help us see the big picture of God's plan for humanity.

The Unstoppable Gospel
The book of Acts is really encouraging as it shows the way in which the early church grew. We will be looking together at the later chapters when the Good News of Jesus encounters the philosophy and politics of ancient Rome. There is so much to learn here about holding on to the truth of the Gospel whilst engaging with a culture that is very different.

Caring for the Local Church
Alongside the study material, there are some really helpful videos to look at. Click on the links in the text to see them.
The first one helps us think about the priority we place on giving to the Lord. It is called first fruits.
The second video helps us think about why we return to the Lord. It is called We give because. There is also a helpful video which looks at the difference Jesus makes in people's lives - as a result of our giving.
The final video sums up succinctly the Biblical teaching on returning to the Lord. It is called What the Bible says about Stewardship.
It is good to be challenged by other cultures' approach to genrostiy and giving with joy. Here is a fun video from a Kenyan church.
Finally, if you need a reminder of why we need to give, here is the sobering speech from Gordon Gecko from the 1987 film Wall Street.

Caring for the Local Church
The local church is the primary agent of God's mission. Therefore, our resourcing of the local church is in fact about how we resource God's Mission. There are five studies, following our Sunday sermon series, to help us think through our approach and attitude to this important area of our lives.
Caring for God's Creation
How do we as Christians engage with issues around the Climate Crisis? What does scripture tell us and how do we respond?
Use this material from Tearfund in your small groups.
there are 9 videos with discussion questions afterwards. We will gather together as a whole church to consider the final video and answer the question "what next?"
Caring for People on the Move
We've all had experience of moving house, most of us have moved to different countries and are used to living in temporary accommodation. The Bible reminds us that as Christians our permanent home is in heaven and that we are sojourners on earth, living in a temprorary home. Session 1 Session 2
Session 3 Session 4

Lineage of Grace
Four remarkable women who appear in the genealogy of Jesus have moving and difficult back stories. Yet God's grace is seen in their lives. Join us in studying and reflecting on their stories
Study notes and questions:
The sermons from the series are available on our website here.

Meals with Jesus

A study to accompany a sermon series based on Watchman Nee's commentary on Ephesians, summed up in three key words: sit, walk, stand.
Study notes and questions:
The sermons from the series are available here.

The Bible Course
This eight session video and discussion based course will give you an overview of how the big story of the Bible fits together.
Contact the office for access to the leader's guide, participant's booklets and the course videos or they can be ordered from the Bible Society.

The Prayer Course
An eight session video- based journey that will help you and your Small Group to grow and deepen your prayer life.
All details and access to the sessions can be found on the Prayer Course website.

Jesus's Parables
These studies of 12 parables do not have to be done consecutively; users can easily dip in and out.

Whole Life Worship
This five-session series of small group Bible studies explores the connections between worship and everyday life. Each session explores a Bible passage and its implications for worship in our Monday to Sunday lives.


Why Church?
A six-part series exploring why church is important, including community, worship, and service.

God's Playlist
Praying the Psalms

Four sessions on how we live in response to the changes brought about by Jesus's resurrection. What does leadership look like, our homes and relationships, and how do I do good in the world around me?

Dependency upon the Holy Spirit
Exploring three themes:
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Hearing God’s Voice
Empowered by the Holy Spirit

Frontline Sundays
A five-part series exploring Christians' frontlines in their weekly lives.
The short films are available halfway down this LICC webpage.

Jesus is Better

God's Invitation
The Bible is full of invitations God has sent us. This four-session study looks at four different aspects in Romans 5-8 that God has invited us and everyone else into.

Jonah the Prophet

The Early Life of Jesus
A series of 5 studies looking at what we know about Jesus's early life before his public ministry.

Holiness & Hope
Holiness and Hope in a Hostile World
1 Thessalonians
Is it possible for the Christian faith to survive and thrive in a world that’s indifferent at best and hostile at worst? What does such a faith look like – at home, at work, and in other
places where Christ’s people find themselves? And what kind of church does it take to sustain that vision?
Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians helps us with questions like these.

The Bible in 90 Days
Schedules to keep you on track to read the Bible or just the Gospels in 90 days.