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At Easter 2023 we restarted live-streaming our Sunday services, on Facebook live, to enable those who cannot attend, to join in with our worship. Click on the picture to visit the page.

We hope to be able to live stream every week, starting at 10.30am although occasionally technical difficulties may intervene.

Sermon videos

We upload the sermons when we have been able to video them.  The audio podcast should be available weekly.

Sermon podcasts

The Sunday sermon available as a podcast.

This may not update until early in the week following the service. Subscribe to the RSS feed to receive the podcast as soon as it is available.


Past podcasts are available by clicking the        icon.

Podcast list.PNG

Even older podcasts are available

Past sermon videos


Watch Now

Click the          menu to select the video you wish to watch.


Occasionally we are unable to record the sermon.  We try to upload the sermon videos and podcasts quickly after the Sunday service, but it can take a bit of time.

You can subscribe to the St Paul's YouTube channel and set a notification to be notified when new videos are added to the channel. (How to Manage your YouTube notifications.)

Subscribing to the RSS feed for the podcast (see above) will deliver the podcast to your player as soon as it is available.

St Paul's: An inviting community, welcoming people to know Jesus Christ,

equipping them to live and serve, and sending them to proclaim His love.


St Paul's Church Office

Hoornzeelstraat 24, 3080 Tervuren

+32 471 69 42 06 (Tue-Thu 08:30-13:00)

©2022 by St Paul's Tervuren.

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