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Messy Church is a way of being church for all shapes and sizes of family. It is Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration. It's church but not as you know it.


Each session begins with a number of activities all linked to the theme - so there will be crafts, some messy and not messy activities, games and challenges. Each table has some discussion questions to help you and your children think about the theme i nan easy way. You're free to wander around and give them all a go, or just stay with your favourite.


There is a reflective corner where you can go and pray or think, as you wish


Refreshments are available as well, so whilst keeping an eye on your children you can catch up with others whilst enjoying a hot drink.


This is then followed by our "Celebration time." This is our story-telling time, when we pull together all that we have been doing and learning, watch a video, sing some songs, and take a moment to reflect.


We finish with sharing food together around the tables as we chat some more about all that we have done and learnt.


Messy Church starts at 16.00 and finishes by 18:00 and meets in the Church Centre in Tervuren.


Messy Church currently happens four times a year, connecting with four special festivals - Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and Harvest.


Our next Messy Church is on Saturday 5 April when we will be exploring Easter.


Please check What's On for details and the links to sign on.



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