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As an initiative of St Paul’s church demonstrating kindness at Christmas, we will be making a collection of items requested by charitable organisations in Belgium to give to people in need during the coming season. We are responding to requests for non-perishable food items and toiletries to be distributed to La Sagesse School in St Josse and by the local Foodbank for the Druivenstreek

We will collect the following items. Please note: items must be new, unopened and in date please. We accept no food items containing pork and no fresh food items.

Kindness table.JPG

Drop off will be at the Church Centre at the back of Hornzeelstraat 24. Parking is available. You will be asked to hand over the items in a plastic carrier bag and they will be received at the outside doorway.


We will receive your donations on:

Sundays November 21st and 28th immediately before and after the church service in Sint Katharina’s church, Duisburg
Saturdays November 27th and Dec 4th 9-11.30 am Church centre, back of Hornzeelstraat 24, Tervuren
Thursday December 2nd 7-9pm Church centre, back of Hornzeelstraat 24, Tervuren


In addition the Scouts will collect for us on Friday December 3rd. Please contact Dominic Newstead if you would like to drop off then  (Hornzeelstraat venue)


Please note we will be strictly respecting Covid protocol during this initiative therefore try to handle the products as little as possible, place them in a plastic bag, wash and gel your hands before bringing and please wear a mask to meet us at the door.  If others are already waiting to hand in their goods please stand 2 meters apart (safely) in the car park space 


If you feel you are not able to go to the shops and deliver these items, you may make a donation through the church bank account and we will purchase goods for you on the basis of where we have shortages of specific items. Please mark your donation ‘Kindness at Christmas’. Note: we do not wish this initiative to have a negative impact on the regular giving for the running costs of the church.  

Account Name:  The Chaplain of St Paul’s Current Account
IBAN: BE81 3100 9133 8724    BIC: BBRUBEBB

St Paul's: An inviting community, welcoming people to know Jesus Christ,

equipping them to live and serve, and sending them to proclaim His love.


St Paul's Church Office

Hoornzeelstraat 24, 3080 Tervuren

+32 471 69 42 06 (Tue-Thu 08:30-13:00)

©2022 by St Paul's Tervuren.

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